Mistrust on the Rise: Britain Sinks to Second Lowest Level in Global Trust Rankings
A recent survey by PR firm Edelman reveals that British citizens’ mistrust of key institutions has soared to the highest levels seen in 20 years, on account of the reigning political and Brexit related uncertainties. Britain fell to the second-lowest spot in global trust rankings, sliding down from the previous year when it ranked fifth from the bottom.
Edelman’s survey also reveals a widening chasm between the ‘informed public’ and the ‘mass population’, with the former being more trusting about the information put out by institutions like the government, business, media and charities. Nearly 80% of Britons indicated that they were losing faith in the institution of democracy while a smaller majority felt that capitalism was inflicting more harm to the economy.
While this poll was conducted between October 19 and November 18 before the general elections, an additional poll conducted post elections revealed a slight improvement in trust. After December 12, Britons’ trust in their government rose by 10%, with lesser respondents feeling that the nation was heading in the wrong direction.