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Advisers to Ex-President Trump Investigate Consequences for Countries Abandoning the US Dollar

Former US President Donald Trump’s economic team is reportedly crafting strategies to discourage countries from reducing their use of the US dollar. These strategies include implementing tariffs, penalties for currency manipulation, and bans on certain exports. Trump is intent on preserving the US dollar’s role as the global reserve currency, especially as more nations, particularly those in the BRICS group, actively work to decrease their dependency on it.

1. Sanctions and Trade Measures

According to a Bloomberg report, Donald Trump’s economic advisers are actively formulating strategies to ensure the US dollar remains the linchpin of global trade. The proposed tactics include imposing sanctions such as export controls, currency manipulation charges, and tariffs on countries that conduct trade in currencies other than the dollar. These measures are designed to penalize both allies and adversaries alike, reinforcing the dollar’s central role in international commerce.

2. Response to Global Dedollarization Movements

The urgency of these measures stems from a growing international trend towards dedollarization, highlighted by the strong stance of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and newcomers like Saudi Arabia and Iran.

These countries are pushing for the use of local currencies in global trade to diminish their reliance on the US dollar. This shift is partly a reaction to the harsh US sanctions imposed on Russian entities in 2022, which significantly restricted their access to dollar resources.

3. ASEAN and ACU’s Push for Local Currencies

The movement towards local currency usage is not limited to the BRICS nations. In 2022, ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) resolved to encourage transactions in their own currencies.

This resolution aims to reduce dependency on the US dollar and foster economic independence among member states. Similarly, the Asian Clearing Union (ACU), during its annual meeting in Tehran, discussed strategies for reducing reliance on the dollar in regional trade.

4. Trump’s Views on the Global Currency Shift

Donald Trump has openly expressed his concerns about the potential consequences of countries abandoning the US dollar. In a CNBC interview, he likened such a move to “losing a revolution,” warning that it could demote the United States to a “second-tier country.” Trump’s statements reflect his broader geopolitical strategy of maintaining American financial supremacy through the continued dominance of the dollar in international trade.

These developments indicate a significant crossroads in global economic policies, with potential long-term impacts on the US’s financial dominance.

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Arslan Butt
Index & Commodity Analyst
Arslan Butt serves as the Lead Commodities and Indices Analyst, bringing a wealth of expertise to the field. With an MBA in Behavioral Finance and active progress towards a Ph.D., Arslan possesses a deep understanding of market dynamics.His professional journey includes a significant role as a senior analyst at a leading brokerage firm, complementing his extensive experience as a market analyst and day trader. Adept in educating others, Arslan has a commendable track record as an instructor and public speaker.His incisive analyses, particularly within the realms of cryptocurrency and forex markets, are showcased across esteemed financial publications such as ForexCrunch, InsideBitcoins, and EconomyWatch, solidifying his reputation in the financial community.
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