Forex Trading Strategies

Countless forex trading strategies were invented over the years, some rely on the technical use of charts and numbers, while others rely on a fundamental understanding of the market with reference to current events, and politics. And yet, some strategies have become popular while others are only used by a minority of traders. These trading strategies range in different levels of complexity. In this section of the website, the FX Leaders team will discuss some of our favorite strategies - starting with a rather simple one and moving up the scale in complexity as we continue. More

4 Essential forex strategies

Forex Trading Strategies

  • All Strategies
  • Technical Strategies
  • Fundamental Strategies
  • Popular Strategies
  • Forex Strategy Articles
  • The fundamental forex strategies for trading based on fundamental events and how they affect the forex market.
  • The technical forex strategies for trading based on technical (mathematical and statistical) analysis of the forex rate charts.
  • The popular forex strategies section contain forex strategies based both on fundamental and technical trading. You’ll find here the most crucial strategies for your forex career and therefore they are in a different section.
  • In the forex strategies articles section you’ll find information on implementing the best forex strategies in your forex trading process: stuff like risk management, matching guides between a personality type and the relevant trading strategies, etc.

How many times have you entered into a trend only to find out that it has already run its course and you were too late? Many of the Forex trading strategies that we use help us predict which way the market is trending and whether to expect a bearish or bullish trend, but give little or no indication as to the strength of the trend. Sometimes these ... Full Article

Arbitrage has been in practice since ancient times. Arbitrage is a speculative strategy, where someone attempts to profit from price differences of the same instrument either in the same market or in different markets. It involves buying and selling an asset at two different prices in order to profit from the difference.Finding the right condit ... Full Article

Candlestick charts are the most common chart types used by retail traders and investors. There are many other types of charts such as line charts, bar charts etc., but they don't tell the story of past price action like candlestick indicator patterns do. When active trading is based solely upon technical analysis, projecting future price action is ... Full Article

The carry trade forex strategy operates very differently from other forex methodologies. In contrast to the conventional concepts of buying low and selling high or selling high and buying low, carry Trade forex strategies appear abstract. They typically rely upon a fluctuating market and are therefore useless in a stable market lacking a prevai ... Full Article

It is common knowledge that new Forex trader's fail 80% of the time. This is because many beginners start trading without a clear plan. A premeditated plan is crucial when you trade. Trading without a plan is like going to war without an attack and a defense plan. Before you go into a battle you assess your capability, your strengths, and your weak ... Full Article

In the past, we have published part 1 and part 2 of trader psychology. The first article was about identifying what type of trader you may be. We wrote that you might want to take a personality test to see where you stand in the continuum from impulsive to conservative. In the second article, we presented the readers with some forex trading strateg ... Full Article

Apart from fundamentals, traders and analysts of financial instruments use a number of indicators to figure out what might happen to the price of a certain instrument. These indicators offer a simple method of recognizing patterns and predicting which way the price will trend.In essence, these indicators are what makes Forex signals possible. T ... Full Article

Grexit Last year, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras brought his people to a referendum to decide if Greece would remain in the European Union (EU). The EU has given Greece billions of Euros in soft debt to pay off the administration after Greece was hit hard by the financial crisis. In 2012, Greece received a financial trim, where half of i ... Full Article

New strategies breathe life into the market, so we are presenting the ‘Elliott Wave Theory’, named after Ralph Elliott. Having nothing in particular to fill his days, Elliott turned his attention to stock market behavior and developed his theorem in his later stages of life. Born an accountant, he retired at age 58 after catching a virus from a tri ... Full Article

Fair value trading is a strategy used in different financial markets. In the stock market, for instance, many traders buy or sell company shares based on the strategy of fair value. The fair value strategy is also very common in the futures market.But, how is it defined? According to the western accounting standards of IFRS (International Finan ... Full Article

The Fibonacci trading strategy is one of the most well known and commonly used long-term technical strategies on the forex. It attempts to place price action in the proper context by using the Fibonacci sequence, a close representation of the historical “Golden Ratio.” Fibonacci numbers are not only frequently used in the financial markets but are ... Full Article

At the beginning of 2016, the FED had just begun a tightening cycle after increasing the interest rates in 2015. The FOMC statement and Yellen's speech implied several rate hikes for 2016, although the global economic conditions were not ideal, while the US economy was going through a harsh winter period.In Europe on the other hand, the ECB had ... Full Article

We have already discussed ‘Candlestick Trading Strategy’ which allows us to understand the candlestick charts and what each candlestick indicates. However, to really become a master of the charts, we must learn about a few common chart patterns and what information we can draw from them about the future.The ‘head and shoulders’ pattern is one o ... Full Article

Traders of the financial markets, small or big, private or institutional, investing or speculative, all try to find ways to limit the risk and increase the probabilities of winning by employing risk management techniques. There are many approaches to trading Forex out there and a viable hedging strategy is among the most powerful.In fact, hedgi ... Full Article

Horizontal Levels is one of the simplest yet incredibly useful ideas in Forex trading. Horizontal levels are fundamental in most Forex trading strategies and aid us in analyzing charts. However, they can also be used on their own as a strategy rather than just a tool for other strategies. By watching the most obvious price changes and drawing their ... Full Article

We all know that the first and most basic rule to make it in the long run in the forex world is to protect your account. Most forex traders have lost one or more accounts after first starting the job. Rendering your account inoperable with low funds is a big scare, particularly for fresh traders. But, that´s the risk we are willing to take in ... Full Article

Forex trading can be as difficult or as easy as you want it to be. Indicators and strategies can make trading much easier. Being able to read and understand forex price action is one of the most useful ways to trade currencies.  Price action analysis was first introduced by Charles Dow, who laid the foundations for modern technical analysis. Si ... Full Article

One of the first rules you learn when you start trading forex is that you should minimize your losses as much as possible to protect your capital. According to many forex textbooks, in order to do this, you must set tighter stop losses so when a trade goes bad your loss is minimal. This is a good strategy for many occasions, but the forex market is ... Full Article

After about a decade of being an active participant in the financial markets, I can say that the volatility is pretty high. This one reason why only select individuals decide to enter the business of active trading, let alone attempt a career in it.Forex volatility, along with that of futures and equities, can make sustaining a living in the ma ... Full Article

Why do you need a trading journal? A trading journal enables you to look back at your trading history and see what you did wrong and what you did right, highlighting the trading mistakes. By keeping a journal, you can see if you have a tendency to enter or exit trades too early or too late, if you overtrade, if your position sizes are too big etc. ... Full Article

There are two ways you can trade in forex and all other financial markets, you can either buy or sell. We usually refer to this as ‘long or short’. Long means to buy and short means to sell. If you follow our live market updates and market analysis then you must have encountered these two words very often. Often, instead of saying ‘we´re buying thi ... Full Article

The multiple time frames trading strategy is a Forex trading strategy that works by following a single currency pair over different time frames. By following the price chart we can see the highs and lows and establish the overall and temporary trend. However, by looking at the different time frames we can see changes and patterns that we were not a ... Full Article

Last month, we published an article where we looked at the seasonal factors and patterns that impacted several currencies in March. We reviewed all previous petrol prices from March months in previous years, and the comparison to March 2016 was similar. We also took a look at USD/JPY and discussed the decline of the Japanese Yen in March 2016 again ... Full Article

What are interest rates? How often have you heard the term interest rates? Thousands of times I bet, depending on how long you have been in this business. Our team has mentioned it many times in our daily updates and weekly analysis and have several articles about the central banks, who affect these rates. We have a forex strategy as well about in ... Full Article

StrWhen you decide to trade in the financial markets, the one thing you should never forget is that there is always the risk of losing some or all of your funds. But fortunately for traders, one of the few aspects of trading which we can control is the risks. We can´t move the market, we don´t have insight on the intentions of the central bank, we ... Full Article

Previously, we published the first part of the risk management series. There we explained some of the common sense risk management techniques, such as trade exposure, risk/reward ratio, keeping up-to-date with the market news, managing leverage and the trading journal. In this part, we will explain the techniques that have been developed by tr ... Full Article

A large number of traders new to the markets find the idea of implementing a scalping trading strategy to be appealing. Currency, equity, and futures markets are all ripe targets for aspiring scalpers. As the world’s largest market, the forex is a popular venue for short-term and long-term traders alike.Due to its compressed timeframes, a forex ... Full Article

A good way to understand support and resistance trading is to picture a man trying to get past a solid fence that is blocking his way. Although he will keep searching for a  passage along the outside of the fence, there is not one readily available. In the world of active trading, the fence is akin to a technical indicator known as support and resi ... Full Article

Liquidity has been an important factor since ancient times and it continues to this day. A person, company or a country can be very wealthy but if they don´t have enough liquidity or liquid assets they can bankrupt easily. Very often we hear about liquidity or the lack of it, during financial crises (like the financial crisis of 2008). Some reputab ... Full Article

Trading forex is often a very complicated job. There are times that trading is straightforward - it’s magical when the fundamental analysis, technical analysis, indicators, and market sentiment just seem to fall in step. Altogether, they can point up and you buy fast, or they point down and you sell. We have seen many such occasions, such as: the E ... Full Article

When you enter the business of forex trading, you should identify the aspects that characterize you as a trader. Many new traders try to mimic the Wall Street stereotypes they have seen in the movies, but that´s the biggest mistake that can be made. New forex traders overtrade and are overleveraged because they want to reach their first million as ... Full Article

In the first part of this series, we explained the two extremes of trader personality. In part two we will discuss the trading strategies that fit each type of trader personality. When people start trading forex, they learn how the market works and what makes it oscillate. After trading for some time, traders develop their trading skills and become ... Full Article

In the past, we have published part 1 and part 2 of trader psychology. The first article was about identifying what type of trader you may be. We wrote that you might want to take a personality test to see where you stand in the continuum from impulsive to conservative. In the other article, we presented the readers with some forex trading strategi ... Full Article

If you are reading this article, it´s very likely that you are a forex trader - or at least want to be one. Traders share a common love of trading currencies and like the benefits that came with the job. Yet, sometimes we get carried away and incorrectly trade forex; we refuse to acknowledge some important aspects of forex trading that eventually t ... Full Article

The volatility has increased dramatically over these last few weeks. Though this up-and-down nature has been common over the last 18 months, it has now increased. We have seen huge moves of many hundred pips; USD/JPY declined by 1,000 pips in just eight trading days while GBP/JPY lost 1,500 pips during the same time period.It is dangerous tradi ... Full Article

As traders, we have many things to take into consideration. We have to implement many different factors and indicators in our analysis in order to succeed in this business, regardless of if you trade short or long term. These can include fundamental indicators, technical indicators, or both.On the other hand, we shouldn´t overcrowd the charts w ... Full Article

The Central Bank (CB) of any country is the most important market participant for that country´s currency. The Central Bank officials, with their president/chairman at the top, hold the monopoly for the monetary policy of each country or economic zone. A perfect example of this being the Eurozone. They are the decisive factor for all long-term curr ... Full Article

A few weeks ago, we wrote an article with strategies on how to trade the Central Bank’s actions. As we said there, the Central Banks have all the tools to devalue or appreciate their respective currency and they use them whenever they think the economy needs a leg up. We explained how to trade the ‘knee-jerk reaction’ (an interest rate cut or hike ... Full Article

At the beginning of 2015, we reviewed the events and risks which were expected to happen during the year, as it is usually the case with forex traders/analysis. We took a technical look at GBP/USD after the fallout following the Scottish independence referendum and concluded that this pair would stop falling (and probably move up on a rate hike) fr ... Full Article

Lesson 1 - Forex Trading Strategy Guide - Introduction Searching for an efficient way to invest your money rather than letting it rest and lose value? Looking for a way to really leverage your money? Looking for higher returns on your investments? Starting a part or full-time career in finance? Looking for an extremely d ... Full Article

We have discussed many Forex trading strategies that allow us to analyze the price action from many different angles. These trading strategies give us the technicals, however, there's one factor that always has the potential to make all of the technicals irrelevant and sway the market in any way that it likes. Big news events from different countri ... Full Article

Looking at cloud-based indicators such as Ichimoku.What Is Ichimoku Trading? The Ichimoku trading strategy is an abbreviation of “Ichimoku Kinko Hyo,” developed by Japanese journalist Goichi Hosoda in the 1960s. This technique has been popular in Japan for quite some time, gaining popularity in other parts of the world as well.Ichimoku ... Full Article

Previously, we published an article where we explained the development and workings of the Elliot Wave Theory. This principle is useless unless implemented in everyday trading. In this article, we will explain how to successfully trade with the Elliot Wave Theory (EWT).To recap, when you use EWT you trade the probability which this system offer ... Full Article

Trading with the trend is one of the safest ways of engaging the capital markets and a great strategy for maximizing profits. FX Leaders’ top analysts use trend trading strategies as one of their primary approaches to the markets. In addition, before making a trade or issuing a signal, they always confirm which side of the trend they are on. ... Full Article

We have covered most of the important technical chart patterns in our strategy section. There are still some strategies left though. “Triangles” and “Wedges” are two of the 10 most important chart patterns and in this article we´ll explain how to trade them. It´s true that they are different patterns, but they are very similar so we´ll teach both o ... Full Article

The forex market is never the same, what happens today does not mean that the same thing will happen tomorrow. The market might increase from positive economic data today but next week it could crash after those same numbers are published. How many times have we seen this over the years? The answer is way too often.We know trading forex is a to ... Full Article

Selecting the Best Forex Strategies for the Job
By far, one of the most challenging tasks a forex trader faces is organization. The markets are fast-moving dynamic environments. If you are not prepared to attack them in a structured and disciplined manner, your chances of success drop dramatically. A rules-based approach governed by proven forex strategies is the best way to achieve your trade-related goals.

But, which forex strategies or systems are best? This question can be a challenge to answer. When choosing a forex trading strategy, it is important to identify several elements unique to your personal situation. Available risk capital, time, and level of experience are keys to determining what types of strategies are most suitable for you.

If you have limited capital and time to trade, then attempting to be a high-leverage technical scalping strategy is probably not the best idea. An approach that limits risk, as well as active trading hours, may be best. Let’s say you are well-versed in computer programming and have extensive capital resources. Developing and implementing an advanced automated approach may be a great way to engage the forex market. The beauty of selecting a strategy is that the sky is truly the limit — there are nearly infinite options and each trader has an abundance of alternatives.

A good place to begin your journey into the market is with our articles breaking down the various forex trading strategies. Topics covered include creating a trading plan, money management, risk management, and basic trader psychology.

In order to move forward, one must first master the basics. These educational materials can help you do just that while building a rock-solid knowledge base.
Getting Started with Forex Trading Strategies
After deciding which of the many forex trading strategies to implement, it is time to talk about execution. A plan cannot be effective unless it is adhered to consistently. Getting back on the horse after a crushing loss can be difficult — it takes dedication, confidence, and determination. Given a positive outlook, completing this task can become second nature.

Sticking to the tenets of your plan through thick and thin may be the most important aspect of successful trading. No matter how many forex trading strategies are incorporated into your plan, their consistent application is the key to succeeding in the marketplace.

In the event that maintaining focus and consistency in the market is becoming a problem, check out our articles on trader psychology and strategy application. In addition, there are resources breaking down forex strategies designed for the contemporary marketplace. Through a little work, gaining a winning mindset for applying your strategy is easily achieved.

For many, achieving longevity in the forex is an elusive pursuit. Give yourself the best chance at success through preparation. Be sure to check out our educational series on forex trading strategies. After reviewing the materials, you will be ready to enter the market competently and pursue your trade-related goals with conviction.