Indian Rupee Exchange Rates

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The Indian Rupee is the official currency in use across the Republic of India and is denoted by the currency code INR in the forex market. Its currency symbol is ₹ and it is the 20th most traded currency globally. The Indian Rupee is issued and regulated by the Indian central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). India is one of the most popular emerging market economies, as a result of which the exchange rate of INR-based currency pairs experiences significant volatility based on the market sentiment, and offers several opportunities for forex traders to earn pips, as long as they place their trades after careful analysis of fundamentals and technical factors. Whenever markets trade with a risk-on sentiment, emerging market currencies like the INR generate higher levels of interest among investors. On the other hand, a risk-off sentiment drives a sell-off in such currencies, driving weakness in the value of the Indian rupee and affecting the currency rate of INR forex pairs.

The release of important economic data from India, including GDP, inflation, unemployment rate, imports and exports, foreign exchange reserves, current account, external debt, PMI readings from the manufacturing and services sectors and trade balance cause changes in the exchange rate of INR-driven currency pairs in the forex market. Additionally, changes to the monetary policy and interest rates announced by the RBI can also drive volatility in INR-pairs.

The conversion rate of INR-related forex pairs also sees ample fluctuations driven by political developments in India, e.g. elections. In addition, geopolitical tensions between India and its neighbors, including China and Pakistan also drive significant price action in the INR-driven pairs. Another key factor that influences the conversion rate of the pairs listed below is the amount ot foreign investment into India – higher levels of foreign investment signify increased investor confidence about the economy and strengthens the INR, and vice versa.

1 INR Rate 10 INR Rate 100 INR Rate
INR/JPY 1.83418 18.34182 183.41817
INR/CHF 0.01056 0.10563 1.05628
INR/CAD 0.01651 0.16507 1.65073
INR/MXN 0.22042 2.20422 22.04223
INR/HKD 0.09322 0.93221 9.32214
INR/RUB 1.02661 10.26607 102.66067
INR/SEK 0.12926 1.2926 12.92595
INR/ZAR 0.2182 2.182 21.82001
INR/NOK 0.13114 1.31136 13.11359
INR/DKK 0.08208 0.82083 8.20828
INR/PLN 0.04701 0.47008 4.70083
INR/CNH 0.08684 0.86844 8.68436
INR/AED 0.04386 0.43859 4.38595
INR/AFN 0.8445 8.44498 84.4498
INR/ALL 1.10573 11.05731 110.57306
INR/AMD 4.62954 46.29542 462.95419
INR/ANG 0.02151 0.21512 2.15121
INR/AOA 10.42019 104.20194 1042.01938
INR/ARS 11.08262 110.82621 1108.26213
INR/AUD 0.01821 0.18209 1.82089
INR/AWG 0.02149 0.21494 2.14939
INR/BAM 0.0215 0.21503 2.15033
INR/BBD 0.0241 0.241 2.41002
INR/BDT 1.40248 14.02476 140.24756
INR/BGN 0.02152 0.21516 2.15162
INR/BHD 0.0045 0.04499 0.4499
INR/BIF 34.38682 343.86821 3438.68209
INR/BND 0.01604 0.1604 1.60401
INR/BOB 0.08248 0.82482 8.24818
INR/BRL 0.06754 0.6754 6.75398
INR/BSD 0.01194 0.11936 1.19358
INR/BTN 0.99931 9.99309 99.93091
INR/BWP 0.16173 1.61731 16.17311
INR/BYN 0.03907 0.39074 3.90741
INR/BZD 0.02406 0.2406 2.40596
INR/CDF 34.21112 342.1112 3421.11202
INR/CLF 0.00041 0.0041 0.041
INR/CLP 11.31224 113.12238 1131.22383
INR/CNY 0.08658 0.86577 8.65774
INR/COP 48.16042 481.60421 4816.04209
INR/CRC 6.31092 63.10921 631.09212
INR/CUP 0.28647 2.86473 28.64732
INR/CVE 1.21225 12.12245 121.22451
INR/CZK 0.27872 2.78723 27.87233
INR/DOP 0.70652 7.06515 70.65153
INR/DZD 1.60415 16.0415 160.41505
INR/EGP 0.57632 5.76323 57.63227
INR/ETB 0.69006 6.9006 69.00597
INR/EUR 0.011 0.11 1.10001
INR/FJD 0.02697 0.26975 2.69748
INR/GBP 0.00928 0.09278 0.92782
INR/GEL 0.03224 0.32241 3.22408
INR/GHS 0.18499 1.84995 18.49949
INR/GMD 0.8096 8.09603 80.96035
INR/GNF 102.86582 1028.65817 10286.58172
INR/GTQ 0.0925 0.92503 9.25029
INR/GYD 2.49677 24.96772 249.67717
INR/HNL 0.29552 2.95525 29.55249
INR/HRK 0.08409 0.84091 8.40913
INR/HTG 1.57553 15.75531 157.55313
INR/HUF 4.30165 43.01645 430.16454
INR/IDR 194.68934 1946.89336 19468.93356
INR/ILS 0.04369 0.4369 4.36903
INR/USD 0.01194 0.11942 1.19422
INR/IQD 15.637 156.37002 1563.70015
INR/IRR 502.77809 5027.78086 50277.80863
INR/ISK 1.64858 16.48582 164.85819
INR/JMD 1.867 18.66999 186.69993
INR/JOD 0.00846 0.08463 0.84626
INR/KES 1.55162 15.51621 155.16206
INR/KHR 48.95911 489.5911 4895.91102
INR/KMF 5.42399 54.23985 542.3985
INR/KRW 16.53681 165.36808 1653.68077
INR/KWD 0.00365 0.03652 0.36522
INR/KYD 0.00995 0.09947 0.99471
INR/KZT 5.65426 56.54258 565.42575
INR/LAK 264.73616 2647.36156 26473.61564
INR/LBP 1068.90275 10689.02748 106890.27485
INR/LKR 3.61679 36.16785 361.67853
INR/LRD 2.33229 23.32292 233.22921
INR/LSL 0.2179 2.17903 21.79032
INR/LYD 0.05768 0.57678 5.76779
INR/MAD 0.11757 1.17566 11.75656
INR/MDL 0.21187 2.11873 21.18725
INR/MGA 54.3245 543.24501 5432.45005
INR/MKD 0.67751 6.77508 67.75082
INR/MMK 38.78408 387.84078 3878.40783
INR/MOP 0.09598 0.95978 9.59781
INR/MRU 0.47279 4.72791 47.27914
INR/MUR 0.55908 5.5908 55.90802
INR/MVR 0.1833 1.83295 18.32952
INR/MWK 20.69741 206.97405 2069.74053
INR/MYR 0.05562 0.55621 5.56214
INR/MZN 0.76303 7.63033 76.30334
INR/NAD 0.2179 2.17903 21.79032
INR/NGN 19.05792 190.57922 1905.79225
INR/NIO 0.43935 4.39346 43.93457
INR/NPR 1.5989 15.98895 159.88952
INR/NZD 0.02028 0.20281 2.02812
INR/OMR 0.0046 0.04595 0.45954
INR/PAB 0.01194 0.11936 1.19358
INR/PEN 0.04486 0.44865 4.48647
INR/PGK 0.04683 0.46826 4.68262
INR/PHP 0.69856 6.98564 69.85636
INR/PKR 3.3221 33.22102 332.21016
INR/PYG 90.3869 903.86902 9038.69021
INR/QAR 0.04354 0.43537 4.35371
INR/RON 0.05468 0.5468 5.46805
INR/RSD 1.28713 12.87131 128.7131
INR/RWF 15.69484 156.94844 1569.4844
INR/SAR 0.0448 0.44798 4.47983
INR/SBD 0.10121 1.01212 10.12117
INR/SCR 0.16257 1.62574 16.25743
INR/SDG 6.99746 69.97458 699.74577
INR/SGD 0.01603 0.16033 1.60328
INR/SHP 0.00943 0.0943 0.94299
INR/SLL 277.55762 2775.57625 27755.76245
INR/SOS 6.82107 68.21072 682.10717
INR/SRD 0.3463 3.46303 34.63025
INR/STN 0.26937 2.69369 26.93686
INR/SVC 0.10444 1.04441 10.44409
INR/SZL 0.21787 2.1787 21.78697
INR/THB 0.42868 4.28684 42.86838
INR/TJS 0.12653 1.26525 12.65254
INR/TMT 0.04012 0.40122 4.01219
INR/TND 0.03703 0.3703 3.70297
INR/TOP 0.02848 0.28479 2.84794
INR/TRY 0.39337 3.93369 39.33694
INR/TTD 0.08102 0.81022 8.10217
INR/TWD 0.39182 3.91822 39.18218
INR/TZS 32.22747 322.27472 3222.74723
INR/UAH 0.48952 4.89518 48.95175
INR/UGX 44.51728 445.17277 4451.72769
INR/UYU 0.48054 4.80545 48.05446
INR/UZS 150.80656 1508.06559 15080.65585
INR/VES 0.43658 4.36575 43.65752
INR/VND 302.28779 3022.87787 30228.77866
INR/XCD 0.03227 0.32272 3.22719
INR/XOF 7.21201 72.12009 721.20086
INR/XPF 1.31126 13.11257 131.12567
INR/YER 2.99004 29.9004 299.004
INR/ZMW 0.31183 3.1183 31.18299
INR/SDT 0.01194 0.1194 1.19399