U.S./China Trade Deal

Trade War Can’t Bring China Down: Chinese Media

Posted Friday, May 17, 2019 by
Arslan Butt • 1 min read

There’s optimism and then there’s wishful thinking. We wonder which of these makes most sense for China now though. According to the Chinese media, the escalating trade war with the US will not be able to “bring China to its knees” and will only help strengthen its economy.

It’s clear that patriotism is running high in China even as both the US and China hike tariffs on each other’s imports. Amid these tariff hikes, the US signing off on an order banning Huawei from doing business in the US markets has further strained the already tense situation between US and China.

However, the ruling party’s mouthpiece continues to insist that the trade war escalation is because China is standing its ground in order to protect its national interests and dignity during the face off with the US on matters related to trade.

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