On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of animated TV series SpongeBob SquarePants, Wendy’s has teamed up with Paramount to offer a special limited-time meal.
“It makes sense that two of the most iconic squares in pop culture are teaming up to bring a taste of this unique, limited-time experience to life for fans of all ages!” said Lindsay Radkoski, U.S. Chief Marketing Officer for The Wendy’s Company.
The new meal, called “Krabby Patty Kollab,” includes a “Pineapple Under the Sea Frosty”, which is a vanilla Frosty topped with a pineapple and mango flavored puree swirl, and a “Krabby Patty Kollab Burger” that comes with an additional slice of cheese and a secret Krabby Kollab sauce.
“‘The Krabby Patty Kollab’ marks another innovative way to continue the landmark 25th anniversary celebration of ‘SpongeBob SquarePants,’ bringing Bikini Bottom to the surface like never before,” commented Dario Spina, CMO, Paramount Brand Studio.
The fast food chain announced that the new meal will be available in the U.S. and Canada starting on October 8.
Similarly, Burger King has also collaborated with MGM’s “The Addams Family” animated film franchise to introduce a “Wednesday’s Whopper”, as per CNN.