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<%|toFixed:5 %> (<% %>%)
<% 1 %> AUD = <% 1 * currencies.converter.rate |toFixed: 4 %> NZD
<% 1 %> NZD = <% 1 / currencies.converter.rate |toFixed: 4 %> AUD
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AUD to NZD conversion rates
<% amount * currencies.converter.rate |toFixed: 4 %> NZD
<% amount / currencies.converter.rate |toFixed: 4 %> AUD
AUD to NZD charts
AUD/NZD Live Chart
AUD/NZD Historical Chart
What impacts the AUD/NZD exchange rate
The AUD/NZD cross currency pair is an interesting one to trade, as it pits the Australian dollar against the New Zealand dollar. Both are known for their status as commodity currencies and enjoy a close correlation with each other owing to their geographical proximity and high rollover rates.The value of the AUD sees significant fluctuation depending on the prices of key commodities such as iron ore, gold and coal - all of which are important exports from Australia and contribute heavily to its economy. The NZD, on the other hand, is heavily correlated with the price of dairy, meat and wool products - key exports out of New Zealand.In addition to the commodities exports, the AUD/NZD currency pair also sees significant price action on the release of key economic data from Australia and New Zealand. Some of the important economic events that drive movement in this forex pair include the release of GDP, unemployment, inflation, retail sales and trade balance figures. In addition, changes to the monetary policy or interest rates by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) also cause fluctuations in the exchange rate of the AUD/NZD.
AUD to NZD exchange rate - FAQ
How volatile are AUD and NZD?

Typically, the AUD/NZD exhibits an average movement of around 70 pips.

How does trade balance impact the value of the AUD and NZD?

Both Australia and New Zealand economies depend heavily on trade as they are leading exporters of key commodities into the international market. Whenever either country posts a strong trade surplus, i.e. by generating higher exports than imports, it contributes to its GDP and serves to strengthen its economy. For instance, a higher trade surplus in Australia boosts its economy and strengthens the AUD in turn, causing AUD/NZD to trade bullish.

How easy is it for new forex traders to trade AUD/NZD?

Although the AUD and NZD share a close correlation with each other, this currency pair sees significant volatility as both the Australian dollar and the New Zealand dollar are commodity currencies. As a result, the pair can see unexpected levels of volatility, and requires considerable fundamental and technical expertise to trade successfully.