The Polls Keep Juggling the Pound Around
The polls for the Brexit vote keep flip-flopping from one side to another. One day they show the Brexit side ahead the next the Bremain side taking the lead, one poll shows that Brexit will happen another poll shows that Britain will keep the status quo. The Survation poll had the leave side ahead at 45% while the remain side accounted for 42%. The ORB poll was closer with 49% to remain in the EU and 48% were for leaving. The TNS side had a wider gap, showing the leave camp at 47% while the remain camp at 40%. Mind you, these polls are made by private institutions such as newspapers etc which have a personal agenda to fit them.
This week the remain side has taken control. Opium Poll showed a tie at 44% for both camps, the YouGov poll showed the remain side 1% ahead at 44% against 43% for the leave side. The Survation had the remain side 3% ahead of the remain side this time at 45% voting to stay. The odds of the bookies are more favourable for the remain side with 56.67% versus 43.33% for the leave side. The trend of the last few days is clear with the remaining side advancing further ahead. It´s no surprise that GBP/USD has surged about 800 pips in just a few days.