British Consumer Confidence Stagnates in November: Political, Brexit Uncertainties Driving Factors
Consumer confidence in the UK remained stuck at a six-year low over uncertainty surrounding the upcoming general elections and then Brexit. The GfK consumer confidence index came in line with economists’ expectations and the previous month’s reading at -14.
According to GfK, consumers appear hesitant to make major purchases and remain in a wait and watch state until a clearer picture on the elections and Brexit emerge. The reluctance among consumers to spend more is aligned with that of businesses who are holding back making significant investments on account of the reigning uncertainties in Britain.
The last time the consumer confidence reading came positive was back in January 2016. In November, British consumers’ indicated that they were slightly less optimistic about their personal finances, savings and about making major purchases in the next 12 months. On a slightly positive note, consumers anticipate an improvement in the general economic situation over the coming year.
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